Rubber Plastic Testing Instrument

  • RV-300F Thermal Deformation and Vicat Temperature Tester

    RV-300F Thermal Deformation uye Vicat Temperature Tester

    RV-300B yakatevedzana thermal deformation uye Vicat softening point tembiricha tester: inoshandiswa kuona tembiricha yekupisa deformation uye Vicat kupfavisa tembiricha yemhando dzakasiyana dzemapurasitiki, rubber uye zvimwe thermoplastic zvinhu.
  • RV-300B Thermal Deformation and Vicat Temperature Tester

    RV-300B Thermal Deformation uye Vicat Temperature Tester

    RV-300B yakatevedzana thermal deformation uye Vicat softening point tembiricha tester: inoshandiswa kuona tembiricha yekupisa deformation uye Vicat kupfavisa tembiricha yemhando dzakasiyana dzemapurasitiki, rubber uye zvimwe thermoplastic zvinhu.
  • RV-300A Thermal Deformation and Vicat Temperature Tester

    RV-300A Thermal Deformation uye Vicat Temperature Tester

    RV-300A yakatevedzana thermal deformation uye Vicat softening point tembiricha tester: inoshandiswa kuona tembiricha yekupisa deformation uye Vicat kupfavisa tembiricha yemhando dzakasiyana dzepurasitiki, rubber uye zvimwe thermoplastic zvinhu.Inoshandiswa zvakanyanya mukugadzira, kutsvagisa kwesainzi uye kudzidzisa kwepurasitiki zvinhu uye zvigadzirwa.Iyo thermal deformation uye Vicat softening point tembiricha tester series inokwana muchimiro, yakanaka muchitarisiko, yakagadzikana mumhando, uye ine ...
  • XRL-400D Melt Flow Rate Tester

    XRL-400D Melt Flow Rate Tester

    Iyo XRL-400D melt flow rate meter chiridzwa chinoshandiswa kuratidza kuyerera zvimiro zve thermoplastic polymers mune viscous flow state.Inoshandiswa kuona iyo melt mass flow rate (MFR) uye melt volume flow rate (MVR) ye thermoplastic resins.Iyo melt flow rate mita haina kungokodzera mainjiniya mapurasitiki akadai sepolycarbonate, naironi, fluoroplastics, polyarylsulfone, nezvimwewo, ine tembiricha yekunyungudika, asiwo yekunyunguduka kwe polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, A...
  • XRL-400C Melt Flow Rate Tester

    XRL-400C Melt Flow Rate Tester

    XRL-401B melt flow rate tester chiridzwa chinoshandiswa kuona huwandu hwekuyerera kwe thermoplastic melts (MFR; unit: g/10min).Ichi chiridzwa chinoenderana nezvinodiwa zveJB/T5456 chiyero, chakakodzera GB/T3682, ISO1133 uye zvimwe zviyero.
  • XRL-401B Melt Flow Rate Tester

    XRL-401B Melt Flow Rate Tester

    XRL-401B melt flow rate tester chiridzwa chinoshandiswa kuona huwandu hwekuyerera kwe thermoplastic melts (MFR; unit: g/10min).Ichi chiridzwa chinoenderana nezvinodiwa zveJB/T5456 chiyero, chakakodzera GB/T3682, ISO1133 uye zvimwe zviyero.